Upgrade your Diploma
Upgrade to the Meditation Teacher Training College Diploma in Meditation Teaching
In order to convert to Diploma you will need to have completed your IMTTA certificate with MTTC then
Complete one elective
Teach a 6 week course – write program and deliver (provide evidence)
Complete at least 7 one-on-one mentoring session with me
Complete 8 weeks related activity (yoga/tai chi/dance/pilates etc) (provide evidence)
Complete the following modules which involves 2 hours tutorial each (online or face-to-face) Some of the material will be completed through the Moodle portal (Enrol here)
Understanding trauma informed meditation,
Structuring classes
Ethical meditation and Business practices ( these can be completed online or attend I will run them face to face.
Elective $150
Mentoring $400
3 units $50 each is $150
Total : $700 (minimum cost $450)
+/- accommodation costs if residential